75-31-M/01 Pre-school and Extra-curricular Pedagogy
Graduates will find employment as teachers in pre-school facilities, as child-care workers in school facilities for leisure activities, especially in leisure centers, after-school circles, and school clubs, in educational and accommodation facilities and other establishments in which one needs to work with children and youth (except the educational facilities for children and pupils with special educational needs, institutional or protective care or preventive educational care; see Art. 16 (2) of Act No. 563/2004 Coll., on teaching staff). Graduates will also find employment in non-school facilities, such as in social care, health care, or leisure time, in which teaching competence is required to carry out educational and training activities. Graduates are prepared to perform educational and leisure activities focused on the education of children of pre-school and school age. Successful completion of the educational program makes it possible to study further at higher vocational schools or universities with similar specialization.
The curriculum and the school educational program (can be downloaded here – available in the Czech language only).
43-41-M/01 Veterinary Medicine
Graduates will find employment in the comprehensive block of veterinary-technical activities of an organizational nature and specifically technical jobs as well as in self-employment. Veterinary assistants help veterinarians (under their guidance and responsibility) particularly when monitoring compliance with sanitary conditions in animal husbandry, in the production and processing of animal products, when performing allergen diagnostic tests, when inspecting slaughter animals and meat, and when carrying out border veterinary inspections. Graduates can work as laboratory assistants or zoo veterinary technicians in livestock and laboratory animal breeding facilities. They will also find employment in breeding establishments, shelters for abandoned animals, stations for endangered species, animal shops, zoos, exotic animal breeding, production and distribution of foodstuffs for animals, product processing on farms, in the marketing of veterinary needs, as a self-employed person, etc.
Graduates have the opportunity to find employment in organizations and institutions providing veterinary supervision in processing facilities and in environmental protection.
After finishing their studies and passing the school-leaving examination successfully, graduates are also ready to study at universities and higher vocational schools.
A part of the education is also the preparation for obtaining the Driving Licence of Category B. During their studies, students can take a course in animal cosmetics, insemination, gamekeeper exams, and cloven hoof treatment and obtain the relevant certificates entitling them to perform these activities.
The curriculum and the school educational program (can be downloaded here – available in the Czech language only).
63-41M/02 Business Academy (legal specialisation)
This specialization reduces maths classes to a necessary minimum as required by the Framework Educational Programme for business academies, but which is still sufficient for general knowledge. On the other hand, more emphasis is placed on the teaching of logic and general studies requirements, which are required for admission to law schools. The academy puts emphasis also on social sciences, which are more commonly taught at grammar schools. Unlike with general grammar schools, there is no need to teach natural sciences on such a scale; the students then may focus on practical skills, especially those of an economic nature. The classes at our school of economics are participated by professors and associate professors from faculties of law. This includes also the mastering of two foreign languages.
The curriculum and the school educational program (can be downloaded here – available in the Czech language only).
63-41M/02 Business Academy (economic specialization)
The Business Academy’s specialization reduces the classes of social and natural sciences to a minimum level as required by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, boosting mainly economic disciplines.
The curriculum and the school educational program (can be downloaded here – available in the Czech language only).
63-41M/01 Economy and Business
This field of study is based on the Business Academy’s background, though with a more detailed focus on the practical aspect of studies and life. We prepare our students for their successful completion of the school-leaving examination; we do not expect preparation for university studies to a greater extent. The graduates of this field of study are equipped in economic and legal terms for running their businesses under a trade license or in small and medium-sized business corporations. After the successful completion of their school attendance, they do business directly under their own names or in a larger group, or they continue in their studies at a college that is practice-oriented as well. We closely cooperate with our partner PRIGO College (click here), which specializes in general legal activity. This field of study reduces maths classes to a necessary minimum as required by the Framework Educational Programme for ‘Economy and Business’ but which is still sufficient for general knowledge. Unlike with general grammar schools, there is almost no need to teach natural sciences; the students then may focus on practical skills, especially those of an economic nature – and even more intensely as compared to the ‘Business Academy’ field.
The curriculum and the school educational program (can be downloaded here – available in the Czech language only).