International Baccalaureate is free for our students. We are among the top 10 schools in the EU!

Study 4 fields with us: Preschool and extracurricular pedagogy, Veterinary Medicine, Business Academy, Economics and Business in sports and get the opportunity to study for free in the International Baccalaureate program (IBDP) as a bonus. According to the latest ranking, we are among the TOP 10 schools in the European Union. All our students will save hundreds of thousands of crowns on tuition fees, which is common for IBDP programs, and with the international baccalaureate, the doors to the world’s most prestigious universities will open for them, often without entrance exams.
And according to the (just a few days ago) approved amendment to the Higher Education Act, Czech universities must also recognize the international baccalaureate in the same way as the Czech baccalaureate. Finally, the Czech Republic has caught up with the world and you only need to take one of the baccalaureates.
The open days have already taken place.
You can arrange an individual visit via phone or e-mail (click here).

More information can be found here. A presentation from open days online.

PRIGO – Grammar schools and high school – On-line Open Day

PRIGO – Grammar schools and high school – On TV

High School Guide

We are the first school in the region to offer high school education in veterinary medicine – Interview in Deník PRÁVO